Friday 17 April 2020

Vamana Temple khajuraho, Madhya pradesh, India

All these photographs are of English commemorative board and hundreds of years old building of Vamana Temple located at Khajuraho, Madhya Pardesh, India. English commemorative board of Vamana Temple provides this historical information about the temple:

"Vamana Temple

The temple dedicated to the Vamana incarnation Vishnu consting on plan of a saptartha sanctum vestibule, Mahamandapa, with late raltransepts and in entrance porch. The santum is niradhara and enchrines an image of four armed Vamana flanked by Chakrapurusha on the left sankhapurusha on right. Over the Mahamandapa a peculiar roof known as samwarana which is characteristic of medieval templeof western India is shown the doorway of the sanctum has been band's decorated with stencilled scrolls, dancing ganas, Mithunas, and lotus petals and wavy, scrolls terminating in a figure of Nanga Ganga and Yamuna standing in Tribhangi, franked by female attendant on one side carrying full base or garland and the other is flanked by a door keepers. The lintel contain a four armed standing-Vishnu and the nich sculptures including Brahma and Siva.

The outer walls of the temple has two bands of sculpture which include graceful figures of Surya sundries. The sculptures of Varaha, Narasimha, and Vamana Adorn the niches of Sanctum. On the basis of sculptural and architectural style the temple is assignable to c. 1050-1075 A. D. "

Photographs gifted by Mr. Inderjeet Singh Sahib


1- Commemorative stone

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