Freemasons Hall Kolkata, West Bengal, India
The administration of "The History of Sun-Continent Through Commemorative Stones" is much pleased to post the photographs of English commemorative stones and exterior and interior of grand beautiful building of Jewish Freemasons Hall located at 19 Park street Kolkata, West Bengal, India. This property belonged to an Armenian businessperson J.C. Galstaun for a sum of Rs.145000 was acquired by Mr. W.R. Burkitt, the then chief justice of Calcutta High Court in the year 1903. The property was put under the Bengal Freemasons Trust Association. This lodge is know as “The Star in the East” and is one the oldest surviving Freemasons lodge in India. The building houses The Bengal Freemasons Trust Association, Freemasons’ Hall, District Grand Lodge of Bengal, Bengal Masonic Association, and Regional Grand Lodge of Eastern India. This place also houses the polyclinic and Montessori school.
There affix a lot of commemorative stones on the interior walls of Freemasons Hall Kolkata. These commemorative stones reads as below:
1- "This stone was laid by the right honourable Lord Cornwallis C. B. E. R. W. Deputy Grand Master on the 16th of January 1928."
2- " The Bengal Freemasons' Hall 19 Park Street. District Grand Lodge of Bengal. Bengal Masonic Association. Regional Grand Lodge of Eastern India. Masonic Montessori Bala Vidyalaya. Masonic Polytechnic Association of Eastern India."
3- "The renovated western banquet hall was inaugurated by M. W. Brother the most honourable Marquess of Northampton, Pto Grand Master, visited grand lodge of England in the presence of V. W. Btother C.N.R. Brown, Grand secretary Unitrd Grand Lodge of England and R. W. Brother Iqgal Agmef District Grand Master of Bengal on 19th day of November 2007. A.L 6007 A.D 2007".
4- " King Edward VII Masonic Memorial.
This corner stone of the west wing of this temple for the VSE of thd District Grand Lodge of Bengal and Fraternity of Free Masons was laid with Mosaic ceremonies by Worshipfvl Brother William Arthur Dring C.I.E. Deputy District Grand Master of Bengal on the 6th Day of May 1911. A.L 5911 A.D. 1911."
5- " Bi-Century 1773-1973
Live respected, Die regretted".
6- " In memory of Rt. Hon. Bro. The Honble Sir Henry Thoby Prinsep K. C. I. E. Judge of the High court Calcutta. District Grand Master of Bengal 1878-1896 and 1898-1904. Died in London on the 8th November 1914 in his 79th year. He ruled the district with wisdom, Lustre and credit. For over a quarter of century and with indomitable petservance formed a substantial Nucleus of a fund for the building of a Masonic temple in Calcutta culminating in the erection of this edifice. He was for many years President of the Bengal Masonic Association and a warm supporter of Masonic charities. In appreciation of hiszeal, abilities and Sterling qualities., tbe breathen throughout the district have erected this tablet."
7- "In memory of Wor; Bro: Prosonno Coomar Dutt P.M. lodge Anchor and Hope No 234 E.C. P.M. Lodge Nripendra Narayan No. 2446 E.C. Past Deputy District Grand Master of Bengal initialed in lodge Anchor and Hope on 13th June 1872. Died 16th January 1911. He lived respected and died regretted."
8- "In memory of Rt. Wor. Brother Shyam Kinkor Ghosh born at Calcutta on 26th October 1882 died at Calcutta on 2nd December 1962 in his 81st year initialed on lodge St. David in the East, No 371 S.G. on 12th January 1907 Hon. Past Deputy Grand Master , Grand Lodge, U.S.F.I.C. Deputy District Grand Master of Bengal 1945-47 Second District Grand Principal of Bengal 1956-57 District Grand Master (Mark) of Bengal 1952-56 District Grand Supreme ruler of the order of the Secret monitor 1961-62 Past Grand Warden of the United Grand Lodge of England 1956 Past Grand Scribe N of the Supreme Grand Chapter of Toyal Arch Masons of England 1956 Past Deputy Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of India 1961. A sincere and conscientious mason whose example is worthy of emulation."
Subhadip Mukherjee