These are some Photographs of English Commemorative Stone And Old Times Beautiful Building Of Sir Stuart Hogg Market Located at Calcutta (Kolkata), West Bangal, India.
English Commemorative Stone Reads As:
' This market building is an Extension of the one on the West which was built in 1874 by the Justices of Peace Sir Stuart Hogg, being Chairman of the Justices. The market was named after Him. Mr. R. Roskell Bayne was the Architect. Messrs Burn & Cowered the Contractors. Mr. WM. Clarke Engineer to the Justices. The cost of the building including the acquisition of the land was Rs. 355277.
The foundation stone of this Market Extension was Laid on the 24th Day of March 1908, By Mr. Jhon Ross Bertram President Markets Committee1906-07. Mr. William John Bradshaw President Markets Special Committee 1907-08. The building was completed in July 1909. Sir Charles George. He. Allen I. C. S Chairman of the Cooperation. Charles Banks. D President Markets Special Committee 1909-10 Mr. W. B. Mac Cabe M. I. C. E. Chief Engineer Mr. K. Cowasji Gora. Architect Messrs Martin & Co. Contractors. The cost of this Extension including the acquisition of land was Rs. 1153388. '
Photographs By Mr. Subhadip Mukherjee Sahib
English Commemorative Stone Reads As:
' This market building is an Extension of the one on the West which was built in 1874 by the Justices of Peace Sir Stuart Hogg, being Chairman of the Justices. The market was named after Him. Mr. R. Roskell Bayne was the Architect. Messrs Burn & Cowered the Contractors. Mr. WM. Clarke Engineer to the Justices. The cost of the building including the acquisition of the land was Rs. 355277.
The foundation stone of this Market Extension was Laid on the 24th Day of March 1908, By Mr. Jhon Ross Bertram President Markets Committee1906-07. Mr. William John Bradshaw President Markets Special Committee 1907-08. The building was completed in July 1909. Sir Charles George. He. Allen I. C. S Chairman of the Cooperation. Charles Banks. D President Markets Special Committee 1909-10 Mr. W. B. Mac Cabe M. I. C. E. Chief Engineer Mr. K. Cowasji Gora. Architect Messrs Martin & Co. Contractors. The cost of this Extension including the acquisition of land was Rs. 1153388. '
Photographs By Mr. Subhadip Mukherjee Sahib